Spirits in Rifts Indonesia






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    Indonesia has long has a history of spirit knowledge and worship. This long-held belief in spirits was instrumental in helping curtail the death and destruction of the Great Cataclysm. Even though most of the nation was Muslim in pre-Rifts days, animism and the belief/worship of spirits remained an integral part of life in Indonesia.
    Spirits are believed to exist in many manifestations: the following are just the most common. Tujul are familiar spirits and will often work with a special person that they take a liking to.  Demits are Location spirits and are found at a specific location.  Danjang are guardian spirits and will usually be the spirits of villiage elders and work to protect the villiage from harm. And those spirits must be respected and held in high regard. Demits and Danjang are those located at specific natural environments, such as lakes, rivers, forests, mountain tops, etc. These spirits are treated in very high regard, and most native Indonesians often perform great rituals to appease these spirits and to get their assistance and approval.  Memedis are called frightening spirits and usually like to pull pranks on villiage people.  Thankfully, they aren't very evil or aggressive.  Gendrunos are common spirits and usually take the form of animals or small children and have a mischevious side to them, but they are generally good and will help animists and spiritualists if they can help.
    Although rare, there are evil spirits. These evil spirits, also known as Lelembuts or possessing spirits, are terribly violent and destructive, and can cause insanity and/or sickness.  Their appearance is considered very unlucky and usually only a Dukun or Spiritualist can get rid of them.
    Spirits will rarely appear before or help someone who's not a Spiritual O.C.C.  They are typically aloof and indecisive, and would rather watch than help.   However, while naturally invisible, there are times they take on physical forms and can be communicated with normally.  This typically happens when the Spirit has something from the person they want or has some message to give that can't be delivered in any other way. 

Melded Psychics

    Melded psychics are those who have fused spiritually with a spirit and have been granted psionic powers by their beneficiary. Often, the melded psychic will be regarded as a champion of light and will work to fight despoilers of the land. This can include pirates, raiders, demons, as well as the robotic legion of the Machine Intelligence. Melded psychics are often in communication with their respective spirit and can often be the source of additional knowledge that the Spirit may possess, which it may not communicate to anyone else.
    There are currently three classes of melded psychic: psychic knight, psychic lord, and spirit psychic. The psychic knight is typically empowered by Danjang, and the abilities are primarily combat-oriented. Psychic lords are typically empowered by Demits and while are possibly the most powerful, they are also limited to a certain geographic area, corresponding to the area protected by the guardian spirit. Spirit psychics are the masters of the Spirit World and are capable of traversing the Spirit World.
  They are usually fused and empowered by Gendrunos.
    The other two classes capable of communicating and interacting with Spirits are the animist and the spiritualist. The animist communicates with animal Gendrunos primarily, and possesses special abilities pertaining to animal Gendrunos. The spiritualist is the most in tune of all of the classes regarding spirits and they are also the ones who can communicate and interact the most proficiently with Spirits. Note that while the Dukun and Spirit Caster can communicate with spirits, they cannot interact with them. In fact, the Dukun has several anti-Spirit abilities which helps him in dealing with evil and possessive Spirits (see the Dukun O.C.C. for details).