Memedis -- Frightening Spirits
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    Memedis are known as the frightening spirits because they are usually known to frighten most people, although they are not very strong or aggressive. They usually take on the appearance of the children or parents of someone who has recently deceased, and like to play pranks on the family of the deceased person. However, thankfully, they are fairly harmless and can be used in Spirit Spells by Animists, Spiritualists, and Spirit Casters.

Alignment: Usually Selfish
M.D.C.: 4D6
Horror Factor: 8, P.P.E. 4D6
Attributes: Like most energy beings, they generally don't possess attributes in energy form. However, the following apply when in a physical manifestation: I.Q. 2D6+4, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 4D6, Spd. 3D6.
Natural Abilities: Naturally etheral, intangible, invisible, and untouchable as energy beings. Memedis are vulnerable in physical form; however, in energy form they are immune to all attacks except Spirit Magic, due to the fact that they are effectively in another dimension, even though thay may be visible to someone who can see the invisible!
Combat: 2 attacks per melee. Bonuses: +2 to dodge, +2 to initiative, +10 to save versus horror factor. Note that they are impervious to mind control, possession, or illusions.
Damage: by psionics or M.D. weapons (rare).
Magic: None
Psionics: Empathy, Empathic Transmission, Sense Magic, Sense Evil, Telepathy, and See Aura. ISP: 3D6 x 10.
OCC and Skills: OCC is effectively a vagabond; possesses prowl, climb, detect ambush, escape artist, and 4 technical skills (except hacking) at 3rd level with no bonuses.
Habitat: Anywhere in Indonesia
Enemies: None per se
Allies: None per se
Size: a vaguely humanoid figure in it's natural environment in the Spirit Realm, and takes on the body of a human child or adult in the World of Men.
Weight: none in energy form, standard human weight when in physical manifestation.