Spirit Spells | ||
Back to O.C.C.'s | Note: the Animist,
Spiritualist, Spirit Caster, and the Dukun ONLY can cast these spells. No other
practitioner of magic can use these spells. Banish Spirit Range: Immediate Area Duration: 3 months per level Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E: 14 This spell forces a Spirit to leave a particular area for the duration of the spell. This is especially useful in forcing spirits out of people (ala Lelembut possession) although the creature gets a +4 bonus to save against this attack. The spirit cannot return to the Spirit Realm space around the area as well. Channel Spirit This incredible spell will actually force a spirit into the body of the spellcaster! While in the body of the mage, the spirit will still have its full knowledge and abilities, although it will not be able to take action against the spellcaster. Even more impressive, the mage will be able to use the P.P.E. and/or I.S.P. of the spirit in using his own abilities! Most mages are respectful of spirits and usually ask permission before using the spirits P.P.E. and I.S.P. Note that this spell will not work on a spirit who already has a physical anchor in the World of Men. The Lelembut will hate being captive of a mere human and will do his best to thwart the spellcaster who has captured him. Communicate With Spirit The mage is able to communicate with spirits telepathically with this spell, and the spirit will allow the mage to speak his mind without fear of hostility or pranks. Control Spirit This powerful spell will enable to mage to control the actions of a spirit for the duration of the spell. The spirit, if it fails its saving throw, will do whatever the mage asks, except kill or commit suicide. The spirit will not do anything extreme against its alignment, like a good spirit committing acts of cruelty, or an evil one being good and kind. It can be good as a deterrent for the spirit against coming back and initiating anything against the mage, but can be useful for helping the mage in some instances. GM, use your discretion on the applications of this spell. Enter Spirit Realm This spell will give the mage the ability to enter the Spirit Realm. Unlike some other dimensional teleportation, its possible to enter the Spirit Realm and stay in the same place! Since the Spirit Realm is tied to Indonesia, all the physical surroundings are virtually the same, although there is a perpetual white mist that hangs over the Spirit Realm, and there are some beings who do not traverse to the Realm of Men. The Gods of Indonesia and India are also known to stay in the Spirit Realm. More about the Spirit Realm will be given at a later date. Fighting Spirit The character gets +2 attacks per melee, +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, parry, and dodge, and the characters endurance becomes supernatural. As well, the character gets +4 to save against magic and psionics, and mind control. Metamorphosis: Spirit This spell will turn the character into his spirit equivalent! This means the mage become invisible, intangible, and etheral, but provides none of the other abilities Spirits normally have, except he can enter the Spirit Realm at will at no P.P.E. cost. When the spell ends and if hes in the Spirit Realm, he will be automatically expelled back to the Realm of Man. The mage will also become vulnerable to Spirit Spells while in spirit form. Sanctum of the Spirit This spell will allow a Spirit to stay in a specific dwelling and be immune to any and all magic and psionic attacks levelled against it. It does not protect the spellcaster in any way. The casting of this spell is quite rare, and usually the spirit who is the recipient of such a spell is quite grateful. The Spirit Sanctum can only protect one specific spirit, not a class of spirit. Usually a spirit who gets this spell cast will stay in the area until the spell duration is up, and will usually gladly help the mage who cast this spell for him, if the mage was nice and considerate. Sensing the Spirits This spell simply allows the mage to sense all spirits, and spirit-like beings (energy beings, Intelligence essence fragments, Temporal Raiders, Entities, etc). within a 2000 foot (610 m) range around himself. Its a bit different than the Spirit Senses spell in that this spell isnt as powerful, but is longer-lasting and costs less mystic energy to cast. Spirit Aura The Spirit Aura provides the spellcaster with an aura of magical protection, which gives 40 M.D.C. plus 10 M.D.C. per level of experience. It does not provide any special protection against magic, psionics, gases, poisons, etc. however it does make the character totally invulnerable to possession. Spirit Blast The mage is able to hurl an energy blast at his opponent, drawing on some of the Spirit Realms mystic energy for this effect. The attack does 3D6 M.D.; double damage if using Spirit Overcharge and 1D6 x 10 damage if the character has a Spirit in his body! The mystic bolt is +6 to strike normally, +10 using Spirit Overcharge, and +12 if sharing the space of a Spirit. Spirit Blessing The Spirit Blessing will allow an area of land to produce 50% more crops for the given enchanted area, plus the land will be bug and disease free, and the food that is produced will be of the highest quality. Even tsunamis, earthquakes, and windstorms will do less damage to the crops grown here. Spirit Break This spell will destroy the physical body of a spirit that is linking it to the World of Men. This spell does not force it back to the Spirit Realm. Spirit Overcharge This spell will double the characters other spell abilities damage, duration, range, etc, and transform the characters strength into supernatural strength, allowing him to do Mega-Damage with his punches and kicks. Spirit Senses This spell will enchant the mage with some useful abilities. First, they will be able to sense any spirits around them, within a 1000 foot (305m) range. They will also be able to sense any sentient beings around them within a 100 foot (30m) range. Thus they cannot be attacked from behind/surprise. They will also be able to see the invisible, and can turn invisible at will. Spirit Speak This spell will allow a Spirit to speak in a human tongue (typically Bahara Indonesia). All those who speak the language will understand the Spirit, and the spirit will also be able to understand the humans who speak to it. This will only work if the Spirit has a physical anchor to the World of Men. Spirit Summon The mage is able to summon a spirit to his immediate area, if the spirit fails its saving throw. The creature is not forced to do the bidding of the mage, and will usually only talk for a few minutes before leaving, typically back to the Spirit Realm unless it feels compelling reasons to stay. Spirit Ward This spell will prevent spirits from easily accessing a certain area. Unlike a normal ward, this spell does not expire when a spirit enters; it functions more like an invisible circle of protection, affecting all Spirits that come within a certain area of the spell. Entities and Elemental Essense Fragments are also affected, although they dont get the 4 to save penalty. Demons and other supernatural beings are unaffected. Spirit Weapon This spell will empower a weapon with Spirit Realm energy, transforming it into a Mega-Damage device, capable of damaging Mega-Damage beings. Note that only the Pande can make permanent Mega-Damage weapons. Also the Pandes weapons are usually better made. Turn Etheral This spell allows the enchanted person to become etheral; they will be intangible, and mostly invisible; equal to a prowl skill of 88%. Physical attacks will not harm the character, only psionics and magic energy attacks will have any effect. Mega-Damage energy weapons will have no effect. The attacks of the robots of Dltni however, will have full damage on the character. |