Note: the following
spells are created by Lord Spider himself; consequently, they should be very rare and not
usually available to anyone but those trained by Lord Spider himself (and he doesn't train
very many people) Cling/Stick to Walls
Range: Self or Other by Touch
Duration: one hour per level
Saving Throw: Standard if unwanted
P.P.E.: 9
This spell allows the character to stick to walls, roofs, and most surfaces with ease. The
character has a 20% chance of slipping/falling on exceptionally smooth surfaces like
glass, Glitter Boys, etc, or on oil/grease covered surfaces.
Command Spiders
Range: 100 feet (30m) per level of experience.
Duration: 10 minutes per level.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 60
This spell allows the character to command any and all normal spiders within the range of
the spell. The spiders are under the complete control of the mage and will do whatever he
asks. This spell has no effect on supernatural, giant, or intelligence spiders, including
Death Weavers and Kumo.
Fortify Webbing
Range: 30 feet (10m) per level.
Duration: 1 week per level.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 47
This spell enables the spellcaster to make the webbing he can generate to last longer. It
can only be cast on webbing that he has created. Note that its not possible for this mage
to make web coccoons like a true Death Weaver can. The structure of the webbing transforms
to M.D.C.; one M.D.C. per strand. The spell can transform all strands within the range of
the spell.
Impervious to Spider Poison
Range: Self
Duration: 20 minutes per level.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 10
This spell makes the character impervious to spider poison only. Not applicable against
snake, scorpion, or any other kind of poison. Effective against magically-generated spider
Metamorphosis: Spider
Range: Self or Other by Touch
Duration: 10 minutes per level.
Saving Throw: Standard if unwanted.
P.P.E.: 55
This spell is similar to the Spider Transformation, except that this spell is temporary.
The spell is limited to spiders, not scorpions or other arachnids. The metamorphosis
always transforms the character into a giant spider; a small spider is not possible with
this magic. Although a shrink spell will allow the character to assume a less noticable
form. Use Monsters and Animals or Rifts Atlantis to find suitable spider abilities and
Spider Bite
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes per level.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 25
This spell will grow the character a set of manibles that will appear on the side of their
mouth, to the side of their normal mouth! The manibles can be used to bite opponents,
causing 2D6 Mega-Damage, plus will emit a toxin into the victim unless the victim makes a
successful save versus lethal poison: the toxin will do an additional 1D6 M.D., plus the
victim will be overcome with shakes and will suffer a terrible flu; all bonuses are
reduced by 4 and all skills -15%. The victim will require 10+1D4 hours of continuous sleep
to sleep away the penalties. A successful save means no additional damage and no
Spider Senses
Range: Self or Other by Touch
Duration: 15 minutes per level.
Saving Throw: Standard if unwanted.
P.P.E.: 14
This spell gives the character several spider-like sensory abilities. The character has a
crude motion-sensor that allows him to sense movement in the air within 10 feet (3m) per
level of spellcasters experience, as well as seeing the invisible. The character can track
by sensing vibrations through the air at 23%, or adds a +15% bonus to the tracking skill.
Spider Transformation
Range: Immediate Area
Duration: Instant and Permanent
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: 670
This spell will transform the victim into a giant spider! The abilities and appearance of
the spider is typically a Death Weaver, complete with the attributes, but without the
magic or psionic abilities. Other possibilities include Kumo or Giant Timber Spiders. The
GM can also use other spider species at his or her own discretion.
Spider Vision
Range: Self or Other by Touch
Duration: 20 minutes per level.
Saving Throw: Standard if unwanted.
P.P.E.: 12
The character is able to see the invisible and see auras. The character can NOT track by
vibrations and has no motion-sensory abilities using this spell.
Spin Webs
Range: Self or Other by Touch
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience.
Saving Throw: Standard if unwanted.
P.P.E.: 15
This spell allows the individual to spin webs through a secretion, typically out of the
characters fingers underneath the fingernails. The webbing can be used to entangle or hold
the victim. The webbing is S.D.C. unless the spell Fortify Webbing is used to make it
M.D.C. The webbing has 3D6 S.D.C. per strand, and can last for 1D6 minutes per level past
the spell expiration. Note that it's generally not possible to make permanent webbing with
these spells. |