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from Information Presented by Onmyoshi.
Used With Permission.
These vile creatures are another race of
undead, similar to western ghouls, found during the twilight hours of Japan,
parts of former Asia and the Philippines. They appear as yellowish-grey humanoids, with
long arms ending in thick
blunt nails. Glowing orb-like eyes are a translucent red, resembling transparent pools of
blood. Their hunched
bodies are covered in blisters, abrasions, scars, infections and almost completely devoid
of hair, except for random tufts. They roam the graveyards or any areas with the scent of
death, nomadic corpse scavengers ever wandering for another meal.
One could say that they resemble half-decomposed bodies, thin and
gaunt, yet finely muscled. They seem to have no formal language, save for grutal noises
and shrieks, much like a hyena. Pack scavengers by nature, they hone
onto the scent of a kill with a keen sense of smell and taste. The smell of blood alone
will catch their attention, luring them to the source, and will even drive them to attack
prey still alive if the odds seem in their favor. Despite their thin, sickly appearance,
they are extremely strong, quick, agile and cunning (more animalistic than intelligent).
Claws used for digging, also make for fine weapons, as well as a mouth full of jagged
canines able to crunch through bones for their succulent marrow.
Jikininki are an ever present problem in Borneo and Java, where
the body counts are growing ever present. Being weak willed, many of them are also
present in the Spider Kingdoms, where they are used as cannon fodder in petty squabbles by
the Spider Kingdoms. The Spider Lord is especially fond of using these beings in his
petty power struggles.
Alignments: Miscreant and Diabolic only
Attributes: I.Q. 2D4 M.E. 2D6 M.A. 1D6 P.S. 2D6+15 P.P. 3D6 P.E. 2D6+20
P.B. 1D4 Spd. 2D6+10
Size: 5 feet (1.5 m) +1D8 inches
Weight: 80 (36 kg) +1D4x10 pounds
M.D.C.: 2D4x10
Horror Factor: 13
P.P.E.: 20+2D6
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 500 feet (152.4 m), Climb 74%, Dig into
dirt and clay-like terrain at a rate of Eight
feet (2.4 m) per minute (4 melees), Prowl: 60%, Keen sense of Smell and Taste: Track by
blood scent 68% up to
2 miles (3.2 km) away, Track by scent and taste of corpse: 89% up to 3 miles (4.8 km)
away, Bio-regenerate
3D6 M.D.C. every ten minutes (40 melees) or during each feeding, Can also take limbs/body
parts from the
dead to replace lost or damaged parts on self. Cannot truly "die" unless entire
body is burned to ashes. Impervious
to mind-based attacks, cold, poison, drugs, gases (does not breathe) and even S.D.C.
weapons (M.D. and magic
weapons do full damage).
Infectious: Due to their undead state and the way in which they survive
(feasting on the rotting flesh of the dead),
the Jikininki are the vessels of numerous infectious bacteria and diseases. Any successful
strike by bite or claw that
breaks the skin, has a chance of also infecting the prey with some sort of infection or
disease. The character must
save versus poison or they will be infected with some sort of malady. Average penalties
suffered are -2 to strike,
parry and dodge due to one or more of the following: weariness, blurred vision, quesiness,
clouded mind,
excruciating throbbing pain. If the character is not healed with 24 hours, the character
runs the risk of contracting
gangrene or other serious infections, which will result in the loss of the area attacked.
After this time, roll to save
versus coma every 12 hours or the infection will spread. These undead marauders are known
for hit and run
attacks, and then waiting until the prey has succumbed to the illnesses.
Vulnerabilities: Fire: Normal S.D.C. damage by fire inflicts the
equivalent of Mega-damage to the Jikininki. Supernatural and magical fires inflict double
Daylight: Daylight, magical light or bright light sources will cause these creatures to be
blinded (sufferes penalties of
-5 to strike, parry and dodge). In this case, they will rely on their other acute senses
to attack or flee.
Psionics: None
Magic: None
Combat: 4 attacks per melee.
Damage: A restrained claw or bite attack will inflict 4D6 S.D.C. danage
(plus P.S. bonus). A full strength claw or
bite attack will inflict 2D6 M.D. and a power punch does 4D6 M.D., but counts as two
Bonuses: In addition to physical attribute bonuses: +2 to strike, parry
and dodge. +3 to save versus magic. +6 to save versus horror factor.
Average Lifespan: Immortal, until destroyed.
Habitat: Nomadic, but usually stay inland. Will travel any distance when
led by the scent of carrion. Take refuge
underground, in caves or in large tree hollows by day.
Enemies: Any species of the living, specifically do not like users of
magic, but powerful practioners of magic can use magic to control them.
Allies: Usually tend to stay only within packs (numbering around 4-10) of
their own kind, but will sometimes be seen following Kumo or other demon creatures that
leave scraps behind.