Bakonaua, Shark Monster
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Adapted from Information Presented by Onmyoshi.
Used With Permission.

  The Bakonaua is an enormous sea creature that resembles a great white shark with some catfish-like adaptations. The beast measures over 30 feet (9.1 m) long, with some reports up to 50 feet (15.2 m). What is even more frightening is that its mouth can reach up to 12 feet (3.6 m) wide and 6 feet (1.8 m) tall and is covered in 4 rows of razor-edged teeth. This mouth houses a blood-red tongue that can dart out with blinding speed up to 15 feet (4.5 m) piercing a small boat's hull with ease. The tongue is also used to grab prey; prehensile and covered in sticky
     The skin is thick and leathery, that is ash-grey above and bluish-white below. The dorsal fin is large and erect, standing 6 feet (1.8 m) tall and containing 5 visible bone-like supports that jut out into sharp barbs. It also possess two sets of lateral fins, one in front and one towards the end of the tail. The front fins are fish-like, yet extremely long, almost wing-like. The back pair are squat and help in locomotion. The sides of the mouth has 2 sets of whiskers, one 12 feet long (3.6 m), the other 6 feet (1.8 m), that are highly sensitive to electromagnetic vibrations caused by movement.
     These predators of the sea possess an extremely acute sense of smell and taste, sensing a mere drop of blood up
to six miles away. Their eyesight is weak, based mainly upon movement. It is not known whether they can actually
hear or not. They are incredibly agile and quick for their size and have been known to leap out of the water up to 15 feet (4.5 m) straight up or 35 feet (10.6 m) across to catch prey.
     The natives of the Philippines have great respect for these monsters, sacrificing a portion of their catch to appease them during fishing expeditions. They see it as paying their dues for borrowing the sea from the rightful citizens of the deep. The Bakonaua is smart enough to realize that all ships contain food, whether it be fish or the crew members aboard, and will tend to be aggressive unless given at least a few buckets of entrails or flesh.
    The fish is known to be a threat to all seafaring people, including Horune, Nauy'tll, and even Nemo-2.  The Reachers of the Deep also have had bloody battles with this monster.  Most of the Indonesian societies who have been out to sea have had encounters with this creature, although thankfully it's more common in the waters of the Philippines.  However, the creature has become more common in Western Sumatra thanks to the amount of food via the Dimensional Triangle in the area.

Alignment: Considered to be a predator with Anarchist behavior.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+4 M.E. 1D6+10 M.A. 1D6+4 P.S.: 3D6+15 P.P. 3D6+16 P.E. 2D6+15 P.B. 1D4+6 Spd. 2D6+35 swimming, cannot move on land.
Hit Points: Mega-damage creature.
M.D.C. by Location:
*Eyes (2) - 10 each (protected by nictating membrane)
Large Forward Fins (2) - 35 each
Squat Back Fins (2) - 12 each
Tail Fin (1) - 50
Long Whiskers (2) - 30 each
Short Whiskers (2) - 15 each
**Main Body - 300
* The eyes are tiny and protected by a nictating membrane, making them difficult to hit. The attacker must make a
called shot and even then he is -4 to strike. If both eyes are destroyed, the Bakonaua will still be able to function
normally using its other acute senses, but will go into a frenzy, fighting to the death.
** Destroying the main body will kill the monster.
Horror Factor: 12

P.P.E. Base: 20
Natural Abilities: Highly acute taste and smell, Track: 78% up to six miles, electromagnetic sensitive whiskers detect movement up to 650 feet (195 m), breathe underwater, murky depth vision 100 feet (30.4 m) based mainly on movement, 4 rows of razor-sharp teeth that regenerate in 1D4 days when lost, advanced healing 1D10x4 per day (24 hour period), leap 15 feet (4.5 m) straight up out of water and 35 feet (10.6) across.
Combat: 4 physical attacks by biting, tongue attack or tail blow.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +5 to strike, +3 to dodge, +5 to save versus poison, +2 to save versus magic and
Damage: 1D6x10 M.D. from bite attacks, 3D6 M.D. for piercing tongue attack and 1D8 M.D. for tail blow.
Size: 9 feet (2.7 m) tall plus 6 foot (1.8 m) tall dorsal fin, 30 to 50 feet (9.1 to 15.2 m), 13 feet (3.9 m) wide, its
mouth almost as wide.
Weight: 4 tons
Lifespan: 170 years
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Value: Highly coveted for its meat, hide and fins, considered a delicacy and eaten on special occasions
(after undergoing special treatment and preparation).
Language: Unknown
Enemies: Anything that can be considered as a meal.
Habitat: Concentrate in the waters around the Philippines, but also found within regions of the Pacific Ocean. Can
dive up to one mile (1.6 km) deep, but also known to attack prey in as little as 6 feet (1.8 m) deep (snatching
unsuspecting swimmers).