Monsters and Creatures
Racial Character Classes

Non-Playable Monsters

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     Here are some of the monsters and creatures that can be found in Rifts Indonesia.  The vast majority are simple animalistic predators which are commonplace in Borneo and Sumatra.   I hope you enjoy the creatures and find them useful in your campaign.
     Other creatures from existing books that can be found in variety in Rifts Indonesia include (listed by geographic area found):

All Over Indonesia: Beast Dragons, Chimera, Gryphon, Were-tigers, Worms of Taut (especially Serpents Beasts and Fire Worms), Japanese Dragons**** (rare except on Irian Jaya)
Borneo: Grimbor, Hytril, Manticore (very plentiful), Melech (equally plentiful), and Sphinx (rare), Seeker***, Lycanmorph(rare).
Sumatra:  Sowki, Death Weaver Spider-Demons(plentiful), Manticore, Melech(very plentiful), Naga*, Devil Dingo**, Garkain**.
Java:  Sphinx, Ki-Lin, Sowki, Devil Dingo**, Mopaditis Undead Spirit**, Garkain**, Lycanmorph (rare)***, Japanese Imp****
Pontianak: Death Weaver Spider Demons, Sphinx (rare), Naga*, Goblin Spider****.
Irian Jaya: Sowki, Manticore, Melech, Manticore, Sphinx (rare), Naga*, Goblin Spider****
Sulawesi:  None; see Sulawesi for more details.
Underseas: Reachers of the Deep, Monsters of the Deep, Dolphin R.C.C. (but not the whales), mutant Sharks, most creatures and races from Rifts Underseas (except Nauy'tll) unless otherwise described in that book.  Also the following from Rifts Conversion Book 4:  CS Navy:  Crab Warrior, Horned Whale, and Sea Serpent.   Note that a whole host of sea serpents and other creatures will be presented on this site at a later date.

Note:  Unless stated, all creatures are from the pages of Rifts Conversion Book (one).
* is from Rifts Conversion Book 2: Pantheons of the Megaverse
** is from Rifts Australia
*** is from Rifts Sourcebook 3: Mindwerks
**** is from Rifts Japan